Monday, May 8, 2017

Travel ~ Oh My Info


My topic the other day was pre travel. This time I will talk about travel. Hence, before I proceed with my "bla bla bla" I like to take a moment to thank my fellow bloggers that always give me input and inspiration to travels. Tanpa mereka I will be like Si Buta takde tongkat. Huhuhu. Sometimes when I'm doing my blog walking and reading others blog, 1st thing that I notice the excitement of the blogger itself. They will describe A-Z about the place until you fill like you were travelling with them. Sounds inviting right. Some of them also like to share pictures more than to write. Like me also I'm not always good in restructuring my sentences .. grammar and so on and so forth. Tapi kita bukan dalam kelas tatabahasa kan. So masing masing punya freedom as long we deliver the message and people understand. But please do take me as example yer. Mine is too rojak.

1) Safety
Ok back to business. Travel oh travel... From the moment your step out from your house and leave your family behind always remember "safety". You are alone once you step out. So safety is the main prority not your excitement. Sometimes because of we too overjoy and looking forward to venture new place we have a tendency of ignoring about safety. We always feel regretful once things happen. "Malang tak berbau adik adik". Sometimes my friends condemn me that I'm too soft for someone who look so solid from the outside. Too concern and too careful. Don't blame me coz I always bring a lot of "geng bus sekolah" if I'm travelling. So I have to ensure that all of them return in once piece. Safe and sound.

2) Place
Currently Korea had always been the place that I think is really safe for womens traveller. I have once walking alone in the middle of the night in street of Seoul. Not even a single soul dare to come at me to say hi or perhaps my face don't allow them to do so. Pity!! But believe me when I say is the safest place that I've visit so far. Perhaps being foreigner in the foreign land is our advantage and language also. Even in Bangkok, I feel really safe to walk alone at night compare to when I'm walking back to BRT in my work place. Why?? I think this is related with Pyschology issue... huhuhu

3) People / Community
My favourite things everytime travelling is to give review the place that I stay in Tripadvisor. Some maybe excellent, some are soh soh and are MEH or totally disaster. BUT again, this is how you bring ourself in that country as we are the ambassador of your own country. I'm not saying we have to really well behave but this is all about ethic and how we "dress" our self in front of the community that we stay. Have read..heard even comments about the XX country people made one place upside down .. dirty and even so... Again.. Be our self and courteous.

Well this is I can share at this moment some of my Qtips of travel. Next time I will share How to travel to Bangkok as the 1st country on my list. I will try my best to give input A-Z especially on the transportation method that they using there. 


Saturday, August 20, 2016

Pre Travel ....

Bila sebut pasal travelling bende pertama yang terfikir adalah Where to?? Cost??
Well that normal cos we need to know destination then only we can think the next step.
For me pre travel syndrome ni selalu terjadi. Banyaklah bende bende yang bukan bukan akan difikirkan dan dikhayalkan tetapi yang bestnya dari sini sesi "tabung" akan terjadi. Harapkan monthly income memang tak geraklah babe. So 1st thing we need to do is kaji dan terus kaji. Below is the things that I always do.

1) Tabung Travel
- Memang selalu tejadi tak kira la dalam atau luar negara. If the trip is happening for the following years, sila la bertabung lebih sket at least lepas untuk cost perbelanjaan flight ticket ker or plan B just in cast

2) Destination
- Bila orang sebut trip mesti ingat nak gi obersea jer. Apa kata sekali sekala kita majukan local brand plak kan. Biasanya dalam setahun akan ada trip local dan overseas, at least 1 tempat. Tetapi yang buatkan aku lemah dengan local destination ni "orang kita sendiri" yang menjahanamkan destination it self. Jangan sebut facilities lagi tau, aku pernah hampir nak gaduh ngan tour guide satu tourist company pasal sikap double standard pada local tourist. Ingat duit ringgit tak laku ker?? wei siapa bayar gaji korang eh.. marah kejap. Kalau kat obersea kita dapat lihat sendiri local dan tourist berbondong2 memenuhi shrine ker, sightseeing, Museum sebab memang tempat untuk orang melawat dan melihat kut. Tak faham la aku sikap certain orang yang punya mentaliti macam ni. Padahal boleh jadi sumber income kan?? hurmm

3) Flight
- Orang selalu fikir Air Asia adalah pilihan terbaik untuk jalan jalan. Memang pun!! sebab tambang murah. Full stop!! Kawan kawan selalu dok advise beli la time free seat. Haram!! Tak pernah dapat Zero seat pun. Propa jer. Pendek cerita AA memang murah kalu bayar tix and tax only. Tapi bila dah campur makan+seat+luggage tak yah masuk insuran boleh tahan juga price. Moral of the story airlines lain pun ada jer offer ticket murah kene rajin jer survey. Apeni aku tak suruh korang confirm tengok MAS jer. Aku kata airlines lain jugalah. Comparing price between airlines to airlines it's good activity tho'. Apa?? Skyscanner. Hurmm Apps ni memang elok tapi kekadang those yang memang low cost airlines memang takde dalam list. So why not rajin rajin google ala jari jer kut yang bergerak. Lol!!

4) Currency Exchange
- Bab ni yang aku selalu lemah. Bukan kira kira aku lemah. Tetapi bila lihat mata wang kita makin susut nilai compare negara negara lain. Pernah suatu ketika dulu, tukar nilai Bhat sama dengan nilai ringgit. Sekarang Nilai Bhat RM1.64 lebih tinggi dari ringgit. Macam mana nak melencong... ops!! melancong macam ni. Well like I said " bertabung" adalah jalan yang paling mudah. Tapi aku tak suruh la korang hari hari makan maggi. Tentukan prority anda terlebih. Setiap lebihan itulah tabungan anda. Jangan pula sampai ikat perut. Akak tak suruh Uolls!!

5) Safety and Security
- Kita sering lupa pasal bende ni. Padahal setiap negara itu ada criminal case masing masing cuma kita malas nak membaca dan ambil tahu. Yelah asyik terfikir macam mana nak abiskan musim bunga kat situ... musim sejuk kat sini.. Musim luruh kat sinun.. Musim panas jer kat Malaysia. Aikk!! My advise rajin rajin la amik tahu. Even negara paling selamat di dunia pun belum tahu selamat untuk kita sebab malang tidak berbau kan.. so sila rajin membaca

6) Hotel / Hostel / Airbnb dll..
- Sekarang terlalu banyak apps yang menawarkan pencarian accommodation di merata dunia. Ada yang offer " no fee" system. Maksudnya charge upon arrival. Harga ada yang semurah RM30 semalam untuk Hostel dan sehinggalah RM1000++ semalam untuk Hotel or more than that. However choice in our hand. For me sekali lagi safety is the main prority so bila sebut pasal keselamatan kawasan tempat penginapan itu amat penting. Contohnya berdekatan dengan Subway and paling tak suka shared bathroom. We not always lucky to have bathroom for ourself kan. Sebagai muslimah, toilet adalah tempat yang paling penting. That's why biar bayar lebih sket asalkan toilet is only for mine only. For subway plak, kekadang kita selalu travel solo2 iyalah nak jimat travel la seorang. Pilihlah tempat yang system transport berdekatan ngan tempat penginapan anda. Kita kan travel kadang sampai ke lewat malam. Takkan kita nak menapak jauh kut. Hurmm pilihan di tangan anda.

7) Itinerary
- Well i'm itinerary kind of person. So for this piece of paper I know where I'm heading. Pendek cerita Itinerary memang kene ada. Especially memang tempat yang kita teringin sangat nak pergi. Tak de itinerary buang masa wei .. plus tenaga lagi. Last min nanti semua gambar kat dalam cafe jer.. ops!!

8) Geng Bus Sekolah
- Ni yang kadang aku lemah. Like I said I'm kind of itinerary person. So setiap kali nak ke mana mana aku akan brief geng2 yang nak tagging along ni so dorang akan tahu our next destination. Tetapi aku dah pernah encounter geng yang buat sakit hati wei ikut ngan aku. Bersiap lambat.. masa dah terbabas nak follow itinerary apa macam tu. Siap boleh bahasakan aku balik. Makan hati jantung pisang wei travel ngan orang macam ni. Bila dah budget ke Langit, blame kita balik. Ko rasa tak apa aku rasa. Nak lempang kan. Podah!! pegi korang urus travel sendiri. Pandai sangat!! So aku rasa travel companion aku yang paling best adalah Mr Incik Husband. Tepati masa. Tak banyak cakap walau aku dah berleter menggalahkan laser. Bukan nak puji tetapi dia dah tahu betapa aku dah berusaha prepare travel backpack ktrg tu so dia just ensure transport and safety kitorang dalam keadaan yang ok. 

Well aku rasa cukup la 8 point dulu pre travel syndrome yang aku boleh kongsikan. Tetapi aku rasa travel ngan geng lelaki lagi ok kut banding ngan perempuan. Bukan nak double standard. Tetapi aku still prefer geng perempuan walau by end of the day mesti ada kes tarik2 rambut masam2 muka. Nama pun Travel with foe. Asam garam travelling kan. So that's all I can share today. Penat dok ketuk ketuk keyboard ni. Kalau ada yang aku teringat nanti to be add. 

Happy Travelling!!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Travel Itinerary

Rupa rupanya hari ini dah Friday.. Yay!! 😊😊😊❤️❤️ Tolong senyum sampai ke telinga..

Ok back to topic. Ramai orang suka pelancongan terancang dan ramai juga yang suka impromptu. Tetapi kalau dah pegi lebih dari 3 hari impromptu la sangat kan.. So for me I really into itinerary .. Siap plan A dan plan B in case all my schedule haywire. But the problem orang yang terlalu mengikut itinerary ni kene tepati masa. Hurmm Itu yang selalu jadi the 1st problem and mistake. 

Itinerary selalu bagi kita banyak bende in details. Especially direction and cost apatah lagi yang backpack. Even travel agent sendiri Ada itinerary for the day kalau mereka nak bawa jalan jalan. Siap kene tinggal siapa yang lupa diri especially shopping. 

So for me itinerary it's something about your self achievement sebab berjaya menyusun atur perjalanan di negara orang dengan sendiri. Once executed kira berjaya la itinerary tersebut sebab Ada certain orang tu siap bertahun dan berbulan mencari details sesuatu tempat dan kawasan pelancongan. That's why term "recce" wujud dalam industry pelancongan sebab itinerary. 

Therefore, jangan pandang mudah dengan itinerary. Dari bende yang kita conteng conteng tulah boleh scrap budget beli ticket flight, accommodation dll. Well once in a while kita boleh jadi tourist and traveller..

Happy Mapping!! 

Nota Kaki: Gambar takde kene mengene.. Ops Ada 😝😝

Friday, August 12, 2016


My DIY Guide.. 
I can't say much as now my so cal "semangat" is like a fire.. 😅😅
Hopefully I won't get bored.. 
My first baby step before I post my passion.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

New Me..

From Today my walking diary will posting something that I've like to share and no more longer posting mellow story mory .. 
I won't delete the old posting but from today I will share my passion in this diary.. 
Tetiba excited walhal dah lama tinggalkan blog ni.. Woi sawang Woi..

Monday, May 18, 2015

Holiday oh Holiday

My mood to explore is activate!! This time  we're going to a new land 

1st thing we need to do is "book a flight" 

Then accommodation will play along 

Why I choose this hotel .. I love the contemporary and chic of this hotel. Will update more about this once we check in

Lastly.. We pray that the weather will be great so we can do a lot of activities and island hoping.. 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Mata Oh Mata

Ini akibatnya bila orang degil tidak mahu mendengar nasihat.. 
This is what happen

Red Eye..

Now scratching the brainy head how to heal the vein burst...


Become Harry Potter again...